The 1st of January ushers in the New Year with grandeur and celebration. Many people make personal resolutions to bring in changes that have been long overdue. Similarly, the Financial New Year, that starts on April 1st, works as a reminder of financial responsibilities and bookmarks our lives into yearly compartments. It is an opportunity …
The world has seen many inspiring leaders over time. While we have all read about teachings from historical icons, on many occasions, I have struggled to find them relevant in today’s fast-changing times. However, I have always considered myself to be a student and have managed to learn from the best. Over the years, there …
Good Leaders Make Good Teams
Leading men was considered to be a natural trait in traditional days. Not everyone could be a leader. But, the good news is that leadership skills can be learned. The concept of leadership is one of the most widely discussed one with hundreds of books and research articles written on the impact of a good …

Leadership During Turbulent Times
The last whole year has been quite tough for all of us. Whether you are an organization owner, working someplace or a team leader, it was a completely novel scenario, fully out of our comfort area circumstances. It was also an unusual year from a business standpoint indeed. Have you ever seen a hockey game? …